Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Change the Philosophy

"The philosophy of the school room in one generation
will be the philosophy of government in the next."

Abraham Lincoln

I heard this quote when I was about 13, since that day there has been a burning passion in my heart to change a generation. Thats what this blog is going to be about, changing the philosophy of a generation, today and tomorrow.

There are visions that God has placed in my heart that I cannot wait to see come to pass. One of these visions is in the very early phases of comming to pass.

The way that it is comming to pass in through an event called The Bash '09. This is an event geared at targeting the unchurched in a new and unique way. It isn't about preaching "hell fire" or a "feel good" message. It is about getting them to a place where they are open to hear a message then presenting them with the truth.

This is going to be accomplished by getting local christian rock groups to come together on a high school football field, and rocking out for Christ. But that is not what is going to get these students there. The thing that I am believing is going to get the students to the field that night is the fact that we are going to have outrageously BIG giveaways. These will hopefully include: a flat screen tv, a wii gaming system, an i-pod, but the one that I believe will bring in more than any thing is a brand new car, not sure what kind yet, but thats the goal, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

More than any of this we will be in need of your prayers, for favor, for provision, and most importantly for souls. That God would prepare them for what He wants to do in their lives. The event isn't until May 8th but the earlier we can accomplish what we need to accomplish the better it will be.

Keep an eye here for updates, I will blog them as they come in, again thanks for all the prayers, and heres to Changing the Philosophy!!!

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